Thursday, March 15, 2007

Italian Road Trips, Part II

Because Brandy can't stand seeing a "Part I" without a "Part II," the unimaginative title continues on. This trip took us to Florence. It really needs no introduction, so I'll stop now and let the pictures do (most of) the talking.

This is us pretending to hate Florence. C'mon, who hates Florence?

And here's crazy Nora.


Nora and Emilia

And here's Nora pointing out a statue to Emilia


Anonymous said...

The shot on the bridge in Florence looks like a group mug shot or a group DMV photo shoot!!:-) :-) Attractive (well the city looks nice!) :-) Sherry

Mindy said...

Brandy and Jack - Your posts make me dream of living in Italy. Thanks for the continued motivation! I'm not sure that I would willingly leave Northern CA for anywhere less beautiful (and the gelato looks good too!). Maybe when James is done dissertating we can really come for a visit.