Monday, September 25, 2006

Webkinz Info

For those of you chomping at the bit, anxious to school the 7-year olds at Tic Tac Toe, Nora's Webkinz user name is: Elinore (no idea why--my child can be a bit random). Her pets' names are Chicha and Rosie. But I'm pretty sure that you just need her username: Elinore.


Anonymous said...

Nora! Your newest golden retriever Webkin is finally on it's way! It was mailed last week. What kind should I get? Perhaps the unicorn?
Love you and miss you.

Anonymous said...

that webkinz thing is the most confusing, seizure inducing thing ever. i have no idea what i'm doing except apparantly i won the cow some asparagus.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!! Brandy, I forgot what Webkin is and where to find it?? That's like a website that Nora's on or something??? I can't remember!! Something about a stuffed animal??? How is school for her??? Is it better?? Is she learning Italian? Is her teacher learning English???

Anonymous said...

Nevermind! I figured it out! I ordered my bear or frog or whatever he was??? Unless they kick out my credit card order when they see the AGE on my Webkinz animal!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK, Brandy, my pet's name is Nora, but my username is Shwindham. I don't know about pets?? How do I have pets? I TOTALLY do not get this whole site, but I put Nora's username in my fake cell phone in my virtual room for my white rabbit who has no furniture and no food!!