Monday, July 17, 2006

my office and the market outside

this is the office, up on the 3rd floor. our terrace is above the building in the foreground.

this is the view from the terrace.

this is the 300 yr old fresco on the ceiling. it's a little blurred. sorry.

this is the view from my chair out to the campo dei fiori. that's a statue of giordano bruno, who was burned at this spot in 1600 for heresy. back then, the popes weren't exactly pillars of society--just powerful. some had mistresses and several children.
this is also the piazza where parts of the Puccini opera 'Tosca' took place.
i still haven't figured out why Bruno looks like darth vader.

and this is the campo dei fiori market in action. it is there every day (well, not sunday). they build it up and tear it down every day. there isn't a trace of it by 5:00 when everyone fills the square to wander around or get a bite to eat/drink. it's quite the place to hang out at night, and it's not always cleared of people by the time the market stalls come to set up in the wee hours.

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